Web Development My Frontend Learning Plan - 2021 My plan and progress updates on learning web frontend development more or less from scratch. Will be semi-regularly updated.
Using Ghost How to Enable Preview for Member-Only Content in Ghost Automatically add preview / teaser content for Member-Only posts in Ghost.
Using Ghost Table of Contents in Ghost Automatically generated table of contents in Ghost, conditionally shown when it is not empty.
Using Ghost Featured-First Post Order in Ghost Making featured posts show up first in Ghost Casper theme (instead of the default reverse chronological order).
Using Ghost Editing Tips for Ghost I recently switched to Ghost to host my blog, Here are some editing tips as I learn to use this platform.
Using Ghost Moving to Ghost My onboarding experience with Ghost and some wishlist items for future improvements.
Machine Learning Recent Progress in Language Modeling This page is a high-level summary / notes of various recent results in language modeling with little explanations
Machine Learning NLP Starter Resources A list of starter resources for Natural Language Processing (NLP), mostly with deep learning.