

We visited London in Jan 2024. Here is a quick trip report. (Originally posted here)

  1. Westminster Abby, mostly to check out famous ppl’s tombs; nice site and history too; I quite like the colors from these shots from Ricoh GRIII (first trip with this little pocket camera, very enjoyable)
  1. Museum scene is nice, we had a blast. The first and second photos were taken in British Museum, it’s a ceramic artwork from @hitomihosono
  1. A lady beefeater guard showed us around London Tower; crown jewel collection is cool, photos not allowed. (*beefeater: a yeoman of the English royal guard or a warder of the Tower of London.)
  1. Food scene is great, pretty much every meal was good; my fav is Lima (lima_london); everyone likes Dishoom of course.
  1. Lots of parks in the city, enjoyed our walks.
  1. I loved visiting Churchill war room last time, glad to visit it again with my wife.

Book recs for those interested in Churchill
- The Splendid and the Vile
- The power of words (this is a compilation of his speeches but also works well as a biography)

  1. We didn’t go watch the change of the guards this time (was a highlight last time and I went twice…) highly recommend
  1. The main objective of the trip was to see Jay Chou - really really happy we did it. See